The Huron County Library tries to order all the bestsellers and popular titles you are looking for. However, sometimes a title becomes popular and we may have missed adding it to our extensive collection. If you wish to recommend the library purchase an item that is not currently available in our library system, please fill out the form below.

Before making a suggestion, please consider the following:

  • If the materials you would like to request are either eBook or eAudiobooks, please use the “Suggestion for Library” filter in cloudLibrary.
  • Does the Huron County Library system have a copy of this item already? Before completing the form, please search for your recommendation in our online catalogue.
  • Titles not yet published or released cannot be ordered. Check the online catalogue after its release date, or ask your local branch staff to see if the item is on order.
  • If the item you are looking for was published over two years ago or is better suited to borrowing through Interlibrary Loan, please indicate your preference in the form below. Check out the website for more information about our Interlibrary Loan Services or ask your local branch staff for further information.

All purchase suggestions will be reviewed and evaluated against our Collections Policy and budget availability. 

    * Format:

    Is this Title part of a series?

    Specific Edition Required?

    An ISBN helps us find the exact item you want. Try looking up your item at to find an ISBN number, or check the back of the book.

    * I would like to be put on hold for the item if it is added to the collection.

    * I would like an interlibrary loan request submitted on my behalf instead of purchasing for the collection.

    Please provide any additional details or background information that you think may help locate the correct resource.

    All suggestions will be considered. Due to the high volume of requests, we will be unable to notify you about the status of your suggestion. If the item hasn’t been added to the collection after a few months, contact your local branch about the status of your suggestion.